by Todd Becraft | Mar 29, 2022 | IMMIGRATION LAW
Border patrol is really a police department that has the power to act as judge, jury and executioner. They can issue issue removal orders called “expedited removal orders” at the border even if you’re pretty clear that you are legally presenting yourself for...
by Todd Becraft | Mar 29, 2022 | Espanol
La Patrulla Fronteriza es realmente un departamento de policía que tiene el poder de actuar como juez, jurado y verdugo. Pueden emitir órdenes de expulsión llamadas “órdenes de expulsión aceleradas” en la frontera, incluso si tiene bastante claro que se...
by Todd Becraft | Mar 18, 2022 | Espanol
Conocí a Patricia en 2012 después de que fuera detenida por las autoridades de inmigración. Patricia es ciudadana de MX y ha vivido en los EE. UU. desde que llegó cuando era niña. También fue víctima de violencia doméstica reiterada infligida por una expareja. Ella...
by Todd Becraft | Mar 18, 2022 | IMMIGRATION LAW
I met Patricia in 2012 after she was detained by immigration authorities. Patricia is a citizen of MX and had lived in the USA since arriving as a child. She was also the victim of repeated domestic violence inflicted by a former partner. She had reported the abuse to...
by Todd Becraft | Mar 8, 2022 | IMMIGRATION LAW
Be careful of cruise lines and immigration. Cruise line employees are not immigration lawyers. Let me say it again – cruise line employees are not immigration lawyers. They are not even that well informed about immigration law and more importantly they have a...