by Todd Becraft | May 30, 2019 | Espanol
Un jubilado indocumentado de 65 años visitó recientemente mi oficina. Había trabajado toda su vida adulta en los Estados Unidos. Cuando llegó aquí, solicitó asilo político y se le otorgó un permiso de trabajo y un número de seguro social válido. Lamentablemente, su...
by Todd Becraft | May 30, 2019 | Uncategorized
An undocumented retiree of 65 years old recently visited my office. He had worked his entire adult life in the United States. When he first arrived here he applied for political asylum and was given a work permit and valid social security number. Unfortunately his...
by Todd Becraft | May 10, 2019 | Espanol
La semana pasada tuve una audiencia final sobre una solicitud de asilo para un cliente de Guatemala. Ingresó a los Estados Unidos en 2011 y había estado esperando ocho años para que su reclamo fuera escuchado. Algunos de la derecha dirían que esto es ridículo, sin...
by Todd Becraft | May 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
Last week I had a final hearing on an asylum claim for a client from Guatemala. He entered the United States in 2011 and had been waiting eight years for his claim to be heard. Some on the Right would say this is ridiculous however keep in mind that his wife and child...
by Todd Becraft | Feb 1, 2019 | Uncategorized
The Trump administration has drastically increased our nation’s efforts to strip folks of their citizenship. In the past denaturalization was limited to war criminals and human rights violators. Now we’re going after Latino grandmothers for making an error on their...