
The Caravan Visit

Last Friday I went to Tijuana to work with the migrants who are part of the “caravan.” We left Los Angeles at 5 am and arrived in San Ysidro about 7:30 am. We parked and walked across the El Chaparral pedestrian bridge to Tijuana. It was very quiet with a handful...

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Changing Asylum Law

Our current president has issued a proclamation changing U.S. asylum law. What’s the difference between a proclamation and an executive order? They’re pretty much the same thing although I surmise the president likes the sound of the word proclamation because it...

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Immigrant Hordes

The evil immigrant! This is a trope that unfortunately has been used for years. Why is it working now, when in fact the truth is that many of those arriving have a right to seek asylum, unauthorized migration is near historic lows, border communities have among the...

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The Invisible Wall

The invisible wall is up and running. The Trump administration has not needed funding for a border wall to effectively turn the USA in an anti-immigrant nation. They have some very well informed folks cranking up the enforcement of current rules and taking current...

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What don’t you understand about the word Temporary? Temporary Protected Status is an immigration protection that has been extended to folks from various countries over the years. The reason is typically unsafe conditions in the individuals home country resulting from...

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AILA National Day of Action

I recently attended the AILA National Day of Action in Washington DC. We were tasked with meeting our representatives to motivate and educate them about immigration issues. Or first stop was the office of Congressman Brad Sherman. We met with one of his staffers in...

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U-Visa for victims of crime

A U-Visa is available to folks that are victims of certain crimes in the United States. The reason that U-Visas exits is to encourage folks to report crimes to the police. If you are undocumented and you are the victim of a violent crime and you reported the crime to...

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What to do in a home ICE raid

In today’s increased enforcement climate ICE raids have increased. Maybe not as much is perceived because ICE ultimately has limited resources however there is more emphasis on picking up people particularly in a state like California that does not allow immigration...

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